Contrast sensitivity testing is particularly used by ophthalmologists when diagnosing patients with glaucoma, AMD, diabetes, cataracts, and amblyopia and to help assess the need for various interventions including cataract, cornea, LASIK and other surgeries.
Standardized and precise contrast sensitivity testing can only be achieved with monitor luminance calibration. Without this your testing cannot be accurate. Your monitor needs to be calibrated to 85cd/m2. Monitor luminance can vary from room to room, season to season and a default monitor brightness is high.
With Chart2020, contrast sensitivity testing can start with you, the optometrist. You or a technician can use it to administer an auto-guided, auto-scored contrast sensitivity test, generating a detailed, scientific tabulated and graphic report to send to the ophthalmologist when you refer patients.
With your own logo and practice information embedded, these reports are bound to impress ophthalmologists with your professional and detailed approach to patient testing. You will stand out as an optometrist committed to quality and precision, and they will have you in mind when referring patients.
View the demo to see how simple the Yes|No answer strategy is.
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